Class types approximately from most gentle to most difficult:

gentle: Softer, slower-paced practice; great for aging anatomy and anyone wanting a gentle, accessible approach. Beginners welcome.

restore+relax: Props support the body fully in passive poses for a deeply restful and rejuvenating practice. All are welcome.

yin: Slowly paced, all levels yoga class with postures held for long periods of time to target joints and fascia. Yin yoga tends to be a cooling practice, so dressing in layers is suggested.

basics: Slower, informative practice great for beginners and all seeking a more detailed practice.

functional range conditioning: Strengthen joint capacity and build connective tissue strength. Excellent cross training for yogis, all levels welcome!

all levels: Open to all levels, alignment-based vinyasa. Variations offered for all; beginners welcome.

flow (all levels): All levels vinyasa flow class with modifications and variations offered for all.

advanced: Students and teacher practice together in our most playful, advanced class. Not for beginners. Local teachers only $15, any studio, any style. For safety purposes, you must be able to do 2 of the following 3 skills in your regular practice: 1. kick up to handstand unassisted at the wall, 2. push up to upward facing bow with straight arms, 3. sit upright in a seated straddle with a level pelvis, spine vertical. Not sure if this is the right class for you? Text Justicia at 267.603.5362.